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Art Archives - BRANGABA | Ultimate Idea Releaser
Брангаба ЕООД е фирма специализираща в производството на изложбени щандове и конструкции с иновативен дизайн и технология на монтаж, декори, рекламни сетове, 3Д обемни фигури и нестандартни конструкции
Изложбени щандове, фото-будка, рекламен павильон, панаирни щандове, наем на щандове, изграждане на щандове, производство на декори, производство на 3D обемни фигури
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The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is...

The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is...