SYNEVO / Exhibition construction and custom furnishing - BRANGABA | Ultimate Idea Releaser
Брангаба ЕООД е фирма специализираща в производството на изложбени щандове и конструкции с иновативен дизайн и технология на монтаж, декори, рекламни сетове, 3Д обемни фигури и нестандартни конструкции Brangaba EOOD is a company specializing in the production of exhibition stands and constructions with innovative design and installation technology, decors, advertising sets, 3D volumetric figures and non-standard constructions
Изложбени щандове, фото-будка, рекламен павильон, панаирни щандове, наем на щандове, изграждане на щандове, производство на декори, производство на 3D обемни фигури Exhibition Stands, Photo Booth, Advertising Pavilion, Fair Stands, Stand Rental, Stand Construction, Set Production, 3D Volumetric Figure Production
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Exhibition construction and custom furnishing
Development of the entire concept and design.
Production and set of all elements.
We built this exhibition stand for the first time at the Hyatt Regency Sofia for our client SYNEVO.
This is a very practical and optimized build for multiple use. It is divided into segments and can be built in three different formats, 4-6-8 m2. This is one of the most successful systems we can offer our clients.